Here are few screenshots from game. Screenshots don't provide quite as much as I hope they would since game uses animated visual effects for example. The UI.. or well.. anything is not final since game is under development so everything or nothing may change. Screenshots below shown game as it is now, in dev mode.
First screenshot is ancient city of Astacia, the drow city.
Orange lights are flickering streetlamps and the glowing
lights above '?' are indicating that it is a special tile( teleporter).
I also want to point out that if you look closely to '@' you can see
that steetlights uses global FOV which takes in account all
objects / npcs / player.
This screenshot shows how the inventory and equipment screens
are handled currently. Player can 'tab' cycle between them and both of
them use arrows, enter, space as controls. They can also be moved with
mouse to different location if player wishes so ( widgets )
Messagelog with scrolling options. Player knows the
drow language by 75% so text is a bit hard to understand
from point to point
Current view on main menu of the game as it is
in dev 0.01 version.
Options panel can be accessed from main menu and
from game itself. You can customize your keybindings
and change framerate, font and renderer.
Current dungeon types in game
Maze / labyrinth